In a combination of asanas and pranayama extended throughout the day, practitioners will be able to further their practice or even initiate it !

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All Classes are available in English, French or Spanish.

Iyengar yog institute Ernakulam Vypin Island
Iyengar yog institute Ernakulam Vypin Paravur


At La Arcadia, we offer language courses: Spoken English, French and Spanish. We also provide translations to and fro English, French and Spanish.

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A walk through the lush garden of La Arcadia reveals the tropics at every step.

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Changes during the pandemia.

Corona virus has changed not only our idea of health, but has made us revise our concept of teaching, as well as our teaching methods. 

At La Arcadia we realized from the very beginning that our duty was, once again, to make it possible for our students to keep in contact with their studies. We therefore adopted the online teaching, not only for languages but also for our Iyengar yoga classes.

Our work aims at offering a professional, caring, sympathetic approach to teaching in these times when the pandemia forces us to stay indoors.

Our online classes focus on languages: Spanish, French, and English and Iyengar yoga, a method that helps practitioners to improve their immune system and to maintain calmness in the turmoil of the times.

Please, contact us if you are interested in our courses.

María del Carmen Ospino B. K. S. Iyengar yoga
María del Carmen Ospino and José María Vigar Budha